Thursday, June 3, 2021

How to find Relief from HIP and Lower Back Pain

It is a sad truth that when you feel pain in your back, it seems that all the other parts of your body are affected. It’s like you’re totally out of commission. Thus, when you are putting up with hip and lower back pain, you cannot simply move about because it would feel hellish. And, both your legs hurt too. The effects of hip and lower back pain are far reaching which can cause swelling and numbness at the feet sometimes. If you observe any one of these symptoms in your case, be sure to consult a health care provider to make sure that there isn’t any underlying medical condition causing them. In most cases, however, the exact cause of hip and lower back pain cannot be isolated. This means that you have to work closely with your doctor to find relief from your hip and lower back pain through other pain management measures. Fortunately, there are several options that you can explore. Many are noninvasive and can be self-administered.

Also Read: Nerve Renew - Best Treatment of Nerve Pain 

Relief through Exercise

According to medical experts, hip and lower back pain is best treated by increased activity. This means that despite the pain, you need to do some walking and engage in strength building exercises. Since poor posture has always been blamed for lower back pain, mind your posture as you do your walking. Tighten those abdominal muscles and align your shoulders with your hips. Choose exercise routines that will build the strength of your muscles at the back and at the abdominal region. Strengthening the abdominal muscles enables them to help support the trunk and take off some of the pressure on the back.

If you need guidance in choosing the best forms of exercise for the treatment and prevention of hip and lower back pain, ask for assistance from a personal trainer or a physical therapist. Even your primary doctor would be able to help you in that aspect. He may even order physical therapy as part of your treatment plan for hip and lower back pain. In this case you will need the services of a physical therapist who can design an exercise program that would address your present pain and build up your strength to prevent similar pains in the future.

Other Options for Treatment

For acute or sudden hip and lower back pain, doctors usually recommend that sufferers take pain relievers that are available over the counter. Sometimes, the doctor may prescribe specific pain medications to alleviate the pain. Most muscle relaxants and pharmaceutical pain drugs can provide instant relief but their effects are short-lived. The objective in taking them is to allow some respite for the sufferer and give time for the healing of the injured area. If you are suffering from a long-standing (chronic) pain in your hip and lower back, your doctor may include an antidepressant among his prescriptions. That way, treatment will not be limited to pain relief but will also work on easing any emotional stress or tension you might have for enduring the pain for a long time.

You may also want to explore chiropractic care as another alternative form of treating your hip and low back pain. Many have found satisfactory relief by being attended to by a certified chiropractor or sometimes by an osteopath. Chiropractic treatment works by manually adjusting any misalignment in the spine. Manipulation works on the strained muscles and frees the nerves from any obstruction that pinches them. When the nerves are functioning properly, you should be free of your hip and lower back pain.

You may choose whatever form of treatment makes you feel comfortable. Keep your hopes up because there is a solution for your problematic hip and lower back.

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